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Volunteer Opportunity Around Rau forest reserve.

Are you a volunteer and passionate about environmental conservation, ecotourism, sustainable tourism and community empowerment? and ready to work with us to help our organization to reach our purpose which is to protect Rau forest reserve and become a role model to young people and empower local womens? We are the chance for you to make changes around our community.

Volunteer Skills and expertise areas.

  • Ecotourism Product development, Sustainable tourism.
  • Website creation and Search Engine Optimization
  • Travel content writer, Bloggers.
  • Social Media manegement.
  • Photographing.
  • Climate Change expert.
  • Proposal writing and fundrising.

Rau ECO and Cultural Tourism welcoming volunteers who are interested in working with us to help to make change to our community and Rau forest reserve through ecotourism and sustainable tourism in environmental activities so as to raise awareness in our community and make our surroundings more environmentally safe to live in. The working place for volunteers is a community owned forest, which is located nearest to the fast growing town Moshi with high environmental challenges. Therefore a joint venture between environmental expertise, community, volunteers and other interested organizations is needed in order to solve the problem.

Objective of Volunteering project.

  • To raise environmental forest conservation awareness in our community.
  • To teach primary and secondary students about environmental conservation.
  • To take photos during the tour activities for promotion.
  • To develop new and improve our ecotourism and sustainable tourism products.
  • To rewrite our website and blogs and help to reach more milestones.
  • To post in our social media so as we can reach more responsible travelers.
  • To create strong social media milestones through posting and sharing different activities.
  • To help on our website search engine optimization.
  • To redevelop our website and have a more attractive look.
  • To help our local mama cooking family on better ways to prepare the meal for our clients.
  • To increase sales and number of responsible travelers which will help to empower locals.
  • Volunteer’s Activities in the Forest

  • Forest tour for environmental familiarization and native tree awareness, visiting the tree nursery for specific tree care and management in the nursery.
  • Managing the tree nursery, establishing new tree nurseries in other parts of the community surrounding the forest and filling polythene tubes for transplanting new potential seedlings from the forest.
  • Collecting seeds from potential native trees, watering seedlings, distributing trees to the community and activities regarding forest cleanness, which involves campaigns in the community.
  • Volunteer’s Activities in Administration and Marketing

  • Volunteer introduction: We will have orientation training to familiarize with our project and to know more about Tanzanian culture. In addition we will have a lesson in basic Swahili for easy communication with the local people. This will be done in two to three days after arrival.
  • Administration: Volunteers will be involved in administration work in our office,that includes planning, updating, organizing and supporting the writing of project proposals with us.
  • Marketing: Volunteers will be involved in the marketing of our project through social media like Facebook and Instagram and in implementing and optimizing the marketing strategy of our project with us.